ORCID-CA is the ORCID Canada Consortium. We provide Canadian institutions and organizations with premium membership to ORCID at a reduced cost as well as access to dedicated local and bilingual community support services, a community of practice, technical support, and outreach materials. Globally, there are 28 local and regional consortia like ORCID-CA, including in Japan, Australia, Norway, Brazil, the US, South Africa, and more.
The goals of ORCID-CA are:
- All active researchers in Canada will have an ORCID identifier (ORCID iD);
- Canadian researchers actively use their ORCID throughout the research lifecycle;
- The Tri-Agency will integrate ORCID with their grant management and CV systems;
- ORCID-CA is a sustainable organisation which has steadily grown its membership base;
- Publishers, granting agencies, and institutions across Canada will consider ORCID as the community-supported choice for a persistent identifier (PID) for researchers.
ORCID-CA Members
Athabasca University | Bank of Canada | Brock University |
Canadian Science Publishing | Carleton University | CIFAR |
Concordia University | CRIRES-PÉRISCOPE | CRKN |
Dalhousie University | Digital Research Alliance of Canada | Érudit |
Fisheries & Oceans Canada | Fonds de recherche de Québec - FRQ | Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
MacEwan University | McGill University | McMaster University |
Memorial University of Newfoundland | Mount Royal University | National Research Council |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council - NSERC | Ontario Institute for Cancer Research | Ottawa Hospital Research Institute |
Public Health Agency of Canada | Queen's University | Saint Mary's University |
Simon Fraser University | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council - SSHRC | Toronto Metropolitan University |
University of Alberta | University of British Columbia | University of Calgary |
University of Guelph | Université Laval | Université de Montréal - Bibliothèque |
Université de Sherbrooke | University of Manitoba | University of New Brunswick |
University of Ottawa | University of Regina | University of Saskatchewan |
University of Toronto | University of Victoria | University of Waterloo |
University of Windsor | Vancouver Island University | Western University |
Wilfrid Laurier University | York University |
ORCID-CA was formed in 2016 with the support of a Canadian multi-stakeholder implementation group made up of representatives from these organizations and academic institutions. For more information on the formation of ORCID-CA, please read the ORCID-CA Joint Statement of Principles (2017).