CRKN is the administrative lead for the ORCID Canada consortium as part of our initiatives to support pathways to trusted knowledge through our persistent identifiers (PIDs) program. ORCID iDs are persistent identifiers that help scholars identify themselves and connect to the research ecosystem across their careers. ORCID is a global not-for-profit sustained through institutional membership. To provide the most effective local support, ORCID encourages regional public and non-profit organizations to join their local ORCID Consortium; in Canada, that’s ORCID-CA.
ORCID-CA was established to support a Canadian ORCID community of practice, to promote the use of ORCID iDs by Canadian scholars, and to enable the Canadian research community to take full advantage of the ORCID API in local institutional systems. ORCID-CA is sustained through institutional memberships that include Canadian universities, government agencies, research centres/networks, not-for-profit publishers, and more. Currently, ORCID-CA has 54 members.
ORCID helps scholars identify and disambiguate themselves across their careers by giving individuals an ORCID iD, a unique identifier that persists over time. Unlike other author identifiers, ORCID is not limited by discipline, by geographic region, or to any proprietary publisher or information provider. Major publishers, funders, and research institutions have adopted this international standard to support improved data exchange between scholarly research platforms and information systems. We encourage all scholars to register for an ORCID iD on ORCID’s website. Information about ORCID for researchers can be found here.
Benefits of Joining ORCID-CA: Institutional Membership
- Dedicated bilingual support from the ORCID-CA Consortium leads (
- Participation in the ORCID-CA community of practice through the ORCID-CA Listserv, members-only Slack, and monthly community calls, as well as ORCID-related webinars/events
- Five sets of Premium Member API credentials to integrate ORCID in up to five systems. The Premium Member API lets users authorize institutions as “Trusted Organizations” to facilitate registration, deposit, editing, and updating a user’s ORCID Record with their permission.
- Access to members-only Canadian resources, technical support, and outreach materials
- Onboarding materials to support new consortium members
- Reports about integrations and the number of scholars using ORCID at your institution via the ORCID Member Portal
- Facilitation of inter and intra institutional engagement about ORCID
For more information about institutional membership in ORCID-CA, please contact