The Forward Linking Project: Deeper Connections for Cultural Data
Materials on websites of galleries, libraries, archives, museums (GLAM) are woefully siloed from each other and from scholarly contexts. Missing links hamper interpretation, shackle researchers, and perpetuate biases and colonial legacies from older systems. Linked data allows researchers to address individual cultural artifacts via the web and to reference, annotate, and embed them within machine-readable scholarly conversations. The SSHRC-funded Forward Linking project brings Library and Archives Canada, Canadiana, CRKN and other GLAM institutions together with information professionals and digital scholarship experts to create a path towards a vibrant, sustainable ecosystem for cultural data in Canada. The project will consider how GLAM institutions can model their data for improved access by digital research tools, and how researchers can connect their insights with GLAM collections to provide much richer context and interpretation for cultural data. In this session, Lisa Goddard will introduce Forward Linking, our partners, and the projects that we are undertaking to model best practices for the production of linked data that can challenge dominant narratives, and expose cultural complexity.