This page stores the Perpetual Access Rights Reports (Serials) with entitlements data for CRKN members' serials entitlements.
Download one of the reports below to view the full workbook and data.
For more information on the project, visit the Perpetual Access Rights Reports (Serials) page.
As appropriate, reports are updated to reflect additional or amended entitlements. The file naming conventions allow you to determine when a report was last updated and the nature of the changes.
CRKN Report naming
Syntax: CRKN_PARightsTracking_[PublisherCode]_[YYYY]_[MM]_[DD]_[VersionNumber]
Publisher Code: This is a short form of the publisher name that identifies the entitlements covered by a specific report. For CRKN, there is usually a single publisher per report.
YYYY-MM-DD: The date of the last update to any title metadata. Any changes to title metadata are relevant to all members and may include:
- Additional titles/years of content (or removed)
- Amended ISSN/title ID/title history/collection name
Version Number: The version number is modified when specific entitlement metadata for one or more institutions has been amended but no changes have been made to any title metadata since the last update. Changes to entitlements metadata are relevant only to the members affected. In addition to updating the report, CRKN may communicate directly with the affected member(s) to advise them of the change.
Note that local reports do not have to follow this naming convention in order to be compatible with the searchable interface (if locally loaded).